20 December 2006


part of growing into artistry is training self on where and when ideas come and how to record them. apparently the shower is a good thought-factory. probably because i'm not trying then. the trouble with that is the water--makes it difficult to transcribe onto paper and even harder to document digitally. so...i think blogging is a good form. it's somewhat official and at least i won't misplace it.

so on to today's thoughts:
1. eliminate the film i need to set realistic goals. at this point i have 2 month [11weeks] to get this show together. as much as i am a firm believer in multi/cross/inter-disciplinary working and thinking, i also firmly believe in quality. and if this show had to be smaller but tighter and better, then so be it. films will be made later.
2. create deadlines part of my goals for today is to create [yet another] schedule for this thesis. this one will clearly outline what need to be done and what dates it should be completed by. i think this will help me slowly knock off more things, and overall get the job done
3. create a map to the actual exhibition. it will be a means of planning for myself but also a mode of communication to the viewer. it's an idea i've played with for a while--in fact this time last year i was working on the iPod idea [which turned into a video] . the original idea to create a visual map of the history and concerns that revolve around electronic devices attached to humans, especially in the sense of analog and digital music. anyway, the map never came to fruition. i started thinking about how i wanted some 'go along' to the exhibition--which i began calling a pamphlet, and then today i realized if i mapped the exhibition i could include descriptions of the photographs used, possible methods i've used [which really is an essential part of how i work, the how part], and then the meaning of the connections i've made between these things. if i do it, it will require some planning, especially as to location of objects within the space, but i also feel like the time that will be needed to make this map will force me to decide. [one of my biggest problems], as i will need to have it to a printer in time. i like the idea that this object would live on after the show as well, but it will be somewhat cheaply done, and i would be able to give it away free. [i like that idea]

well the sun is shining--a rare occasion, and today has a high of 50 degrees--another rare occasion, so i think i will take a walk over to 203 milburn and get_to_work.

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